Become a Sponsor of the 2024 Walk for Life!

This is a great opportunity for you to be a voice for life! At the same time, you can reach a diverse cross section of our community, including individuals, schools and churches.

To Become A Sponsor for the Walk: Complete a Walk Sponsorship Form or contact us! Then, submit your contribution online on our secure webpage. (We also accept checks mailed to 3919 Blenheim Blvd Suite 81-B, Fairfax, VA 22030; payable to Sanctity of Life Ministries).

Sponsorship Options…

Bronze Level $250

Bronze sponsorship includes:

  • Space for a Display Table

  • Logo on our website

  • Appear on sign on the walk route

Silver Level $500

Silver sponsorship includes:

  • Space for a Display Table

  • Logo on our website

  • Appear on sign on the walk route

  • One social media post promoting your business.

Gold Level $1,500

Gold sponsorship includes:

  • Space for Table in a premium location

  • Large Logo on our website

  • Two signs on the walk route

  • Two social media posts promoting your business to our 900+ followers on FB/IG

Also available: Water Station Sponsorship - $175 or One Sign along the walk - $200. All sponsorships include recognition at the event from the podium, listing in our annual report/newsletter. As a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation, all gifts and donations to SLM are tax-deductible.

Your sponsorship would help us reach our goal to raise $60,000 to continue offering life-affirming services to women.

The Walk for Life is designed to raise funds needed so we can help 800 women a year with free medical care, such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and prenatal vitamins. Our life-enriching services come at a time when women need it most.

This is an opportunity for you to reach a diverse cross section of our community, including individuals, schools and churches who will be present at the Walk and on the web. For sponsorship information, contact Kayla at or call 703-278-5433.

We need a strong voice in our community to say “every life matters"!